Fulvio Marino presents ALL ITALY OF BREAD

On Saturday 23 November at 6.00 pm Fulvio Marino will be a guest of the Mondadori Bookstore in GENZANO to present his new book Tutta l'Italia del pane. Slow Food publisher. FREE ENTRY Corso Gramsci 51 - Genzano For information 06/43686942

On Saturday 23 November at 6.00 pm Fulvio Marino will be a guest of the Mondadori Bookstore in GENZANO to present his new book "Tutta l'Italia del pane" Slow Food publisher.
Corso Gramsci 51 - Genzano
For information 06/43686942 - 3332779066
"Fulvio Marino, miller, baker and television personality with a large following and popularity, in this new book joins forces with those of Slow Food to tell the story of Italy through the classics of baking reinterpreted for the home oven. The recipes will be accompanied from the history of products and places and from the insights dedicated to the different flours and types of leavening used from North to South. On this journey through the Italy of breads we will realize the tricolor richness in terms of variety expression of the different territories and how there is not just one Italy when it comes to the world of ovens, but many countries in one."

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