Mondadori Bookstore - Monterotondo
We have been active in the area for 22 years. We have always organised presentations, reading groups and promotional activities, engaging local audiences with nationally and internationally renowned authors.
Events at Libridine

23 Nov 2024 | 16:30-19:30
Sit at our table and taste the menu of books we have prepared: 8 books, 8 different literary genres, 3 minutes for each book... like a speed date!Give a chance to a book you might have never opened otherwise!We’re waiting for you!Mondadori Bookstore - Monterotondo
Sit at our table and taste the menu of books we have prepared: 8 books, 8 different literary genres, 3 minutes for each book... like a speed date!Give a chance to a book you might have never opened otherwise!We’re waiting for you!
Mondadori Bookstore
Via Mameli, 16G - Monterotondo
Open event