Scritti e Manoscritti - Ladispoli
Book presentations with authors, journalists, songwriters. Reading groups for children divided by age group. Writing workshops. Teacher and parent training on reading education.
Events at Libridine

22 Nov 2024 | 18:00-19:30
Luca Telese in the bookshop!
Meeting with the author
Luca Telese presents his book “Opposizione. L’ultima battaglia di Enrico Berlinguer” published by Solferino.Conversation with the author Flavia Capone.Scritti e Manoscritti - Ladispoli
Luca Telese presents his book “Opposizione. L’ultima battaglia di Enrico Berlinguer” published by Solferino.Conversation with the author Flavia Capone.
Scritti e Manoscritti
Via Ancona, 178/184 - Ladispoli
Open event

24 Nov 2024 | 11:00-12:30
Reading groups for kids!
Reading groups for children (6/7 years and 8/10 years) to share the adventure of reading with other children.Scritti e Manoscritti - ladispoli
Reading groups for children (6/7 years and 8/10 years) to share the adventure of reading with other children.
Scritti e Manoscritti
Via Ancona, 178/184 - ladispoli
Open event